Our first offline event!

It was legendary. We invited 12 kittens, shared our sore spots with them, hung out, talked, had fun and, in general, had a great time.

The feedback we have received is simply amazing. The audience was as diverse as possible, from beginners to full-fledged stars, but everyone was able to pick up something useful from the speakers’ speeches. It’s thrice as pleasant.

But the main thing is that we finally saw our audience live. Everyone turned out to be as much in the AVA style as possible — humorously, insanely beautiful, incredibly ambitious, willing to tear and throw. We are very glad that we have you.

It was the first, but far from the last #offisnik

We are planning the next one in April. When we announce it, sign up immediately. The previous seats were dismantled in 10 minutes from the moment of the announcement. Some guys even came from other countries.