Our life is a very complex system in which to each action the time, the place and the rule of application is allowed. And what if I tell you that the system of our actions is much more and more deeply than you think? Then you, of course, ask why I think so.

The answer – habits. We perform these small operations every day, even without noticing it. For example, every morning we boil the kettle or we feed the animals. Such processes are always carried out on one algorithm and become a part of our unconscious actions.

The human brain is so arranged. It automates the simple and repeating sequences so that we could be engaged in more difficult tasks or perform several operations at the same time.

But if our brain automates the repeating processes, it is possible “to program” it to remember and to repeat those actions which we call useful habits. In the opposite direction it can work too – if you stop indulging the addictions, eventually the brain will forget this sequence and will cease to repeat it.

Sounds easy, but actually all of us know that forming habits – very long and difficult process. How many times did you begin to do sports on Monday and threw on Wednesday because you didn’t see anything terrible in the admission of one day? And how many times after the admission did you continue to be engaged daily? About it and the speech.

As to learn to operate the habits and to create that set of qualities which you consider ideal for yourself? You will find the answer to this and many related issues to the book by James Klir “Atomic habits”

The first that is evident – the friendly attitude of the author towards the reader. Any mottoes like “just do and everything will turn out”. Information moves with understanding and even care. The author makes the reservation at once that his book isn’t similar to the usual collection of motivation and life hacks on increase in your efficiency. Initially the Clergy tells a personal story and, making a start from experience of own life, explains the principles of work of our habits.

In “Atomic habits” the concept of “four laws” is offered, each of which helps to get or get rid of some habit. Simple laws, I would even tell, obvious. And for certain, many of you knew it earlier. But not everything is so simple.

Here it is important to note that the Clergy accurately and clearly says: formation and changes of your habits begins with changing you as a person. The whole section of the book explains that it is impossible to get rid of addictions if you don’t realize their harm, and it is impossible to create usefulness, without realizing their advantage.

Sections of the theory are always supported with arguments from real life. Cite the national team of cyclists of Great Britain, then popular writers as an example or in general it is told about researches of scientists-behaviourists. And it is important to tell that these examples are used in the book not once. For example, at first you will read as cyclists won the Olympic Games, thanks to a new technique of training, and several chapters later you will be told what laws read in the book for this purpose were used. Such a system explains the difficulty through simplicity.

Minus books are that information about disposal of addictions is given superficially. Like, use the return interpretations of laws of formation of habits, change the environment, behavior, and everything will turn out. As though problems of bad habits are solved only by your actions and don’t depend on external factors. But, if you want to go deep into this subject, you will find references to books by other authors who also talked about habits and their influence.

At the end of the book you are awaited by a pleasant bonus – applications. You will find references to James Klir’s website and you will be able to receive several additional chapters, tables of the book, templates of the tracker of habits for filling and other useful materials. And still it is possible to subscribe to his weekly free newsletter and to read more about habits. However, all texts are in English, but the translators didn’t get anywhere and will help you with the solution of this problem.

Without a doubt, the book is noteworthy and not for nothing became the best-seller. Personally I after reading was really filled with motivation to work on the habits, and, above all – knew how to make it. Very abruptly that James Klir is realistic, looks at life and doesn’t promise disposal of all harmful in two days or two weeks. He says that to you it is necessary to work much and long, surely to throw and begin anew, but it unambiguously is worth it.

Throughout the book the main thought sounds: begin to do and don’t stop until action becomes automatic, then complicate and continue to act. The bigger you reach, the more conditions for maintenance and improvement of result. These are very important words for understanding the impossibility to be always the best version of. Even Lewis Carroll wrote about it: “It is necessary to run at full speed only to remain on the place and somewhere to get, it is necessary to run at least twice quicker”.